Saturday, May 11, 2019

Rattlers Rattle Off First Win

The Saskatchewan Rattlers picked up their first win of the 2019 CEBL season in convincing fashion on the road against the Guelph Nighthawks. The Rattlers, clad in their home whites for some reason, took it to the opposition for all four quarters, pouring in 130 points to the Nighthawks not unimpressive 110. The Rattlers' offense was led by the nimble Alex Campbell, who assumed the role of alpha dog when captain Bruce Massey ran into foul trouble early on. Such is the consequence of Massey's constantly agitated style, which leads him to compulsively question call after call with arms outstretched at full span and voice plaintive. The only entity more animated was the Nighthawks' mascot Swoop, a blue-feathered hawk with a facial expression that appears to be stuck irreparably in mid eye-bat. His mincing and preening on the perimeter of the court easily made him the most energetic Nighthawk in the Guelph region on this evening.